Monday 15 October 2012

Thrift Store Fairy Tale

Most of the time when I find a new treasure, I can't wait to share it with you.  Once in a while though, I want to keep things all to myself.  A couple of weeks ago I was out and decided to make one last stop in one of my usual hunting spots.  I wandered around for a bit, things had been shuffled and moved and it was like a new store, I had to really pay attention so as not to miss anything.  There, sitting on one of the end shelves, was a lovely yellow pitcher.  I am a sucker for a glass pitcher.  I like tall ones and short ones and coloured ones, this one was no exception.  This pitcher had it all, colour, weight, scallops, bumps and best of all no chips!  I immediately took it to the counter and had no second thoughts about bringing it home.  Once home, I sat her down to admire her.  I was already starting to fall in love.  As it turns out, this is a rather rare pitcher made in the 1930's by the Heisey Glass Company.  This is an Old Sandwich Glass pitcher, the colour is called Sahara.  I always try my best to find out the going prices for the items I list.  I check ebay and Etsy and a multitude of other sites so that I know we are offering our customers good prices, ones they will be happy with, ones that will make them glad to share us with others.  Imagine my surprise as I searched to find a fair price for my new yellow friend, we'd become quite close you see, and discovered that at auction this pitcher is expected to fetch between $200 and $300 dollars!  Do I love her more now?  No, she is no more lovely or appealing, but she is now more difficult to let go of.   Now she has a story, a waif turned out to be a princess, kind of like a thrift store fairy tale if you will.  For now she will stay with me, perhaps one day my boys will tell their children the story of Grandma's yellow pitcher as they pour lemonade from it.


  1. Awwwww... how sweet!!! May I sit down with you one warm day next summer and have lemonade in this splendid 'fairy' tale pitcher???

    1. My pitcher and I would be ever so happy to accommodate!
