Monday 15 October 2012


What was just a crazy dream bouncing around in my head has become a reality and what a ride it's been!  I always joked that one day I would open a "Third Hand" store, a place where people could come and get lost for an afternoon browsing through hand-picked treasures.  In my mind we had coffee on, lemonade for warm days and fresh baked cookies, we would know our customers by name and await their arrival perched on worn out wooden stools.  As time passed, the dream evolved and I dragged my cousin Cindy into my scheme.  She would make delicious salads and soups, customers would make a date of coming for lunch and shopping.  Life however has its own ideas.  Today, Cindy and I live an hour apart and between the two of us run two very busy households and home-school six boys.  Free time for the dreams and schemes of two middle-aged mothers is slim, non-existent even.  This summer however, at the crossroads of push and shove, and out of sheer necessity, Lucky & Lou's Second Hand News came to life.  Less than three months ago I posted our first item for sale.  As cliched as it sounds, I heard "If you build it..." and they did.  Our facebook page has grown and grown and we feel so blessed to have each and every new customer who visits our page and peeks through our treasures.  What wonderful people already we've had a chance to meet, how much we've learned from other hunters and collectors, it is as good, and better, than we could have imagined.

While many, many people we meet have been able to connect with us on facebook at Lucky & Lou's Second Hand News, we know there are so many more who use their computers but not that site in particular.  Our hope is that we can use our blog as well as our facebook page to meet and keep in touch with all of you.  

Please come and visit, browse and share if you feel inclined.

Welcome to Lucky & Lou's!

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